Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas week! Cant wait to skype y'all on Thursday. I'm thinking around 1-2 is when I'll get on. 

The Mission-wide Christmas Party was great! Its always wonderful to see old comps and good friends that you don't see anywhere else. I did receive your package too. Those letters meant so much to me, thank you. I cant believe Trevor wrote a five page letter and a novel! Hes such a stud. Andrew said hes struggling with friends and wants me to be there to hang with him. Cant wait for that day.

My new comp is great, it's super easy to talk to him and we have a lot of the same interests and hobbies so I can see myself hangin' with him after the mission.

I think it's hilarious that some missionaries have a hard time becoming "Normal" again. Trust me, I will have no problem with that haha. I'm looking forward to catching up and making up for lost time with the family. My entire perspective has changed and my realization is that family is the single most important thing in this life, other than the gospel of course. There needs to be time set aside for strengthening the family.

We have three appointments for Christmas day this year. I'm new and hardly know the members at all which is hard... I wish I was still in Lake Butler in that aspect. It's great here too though. 

Merry Christmas!

Elder Greenlaw

The reason why Waycross has its name is because its the main intersection for CSX railways is in the state. There are railroad crossings everywhere around here and constantly a train going by. I just had to get a pic when we parked right on the rails at a red light. :)

Monday, December 15, 2014

My First Week in Georgia

Transfers went great! My companion Elder Robert Anderson is a stud! He's from Riverton, another close one! He's been out for just over a year now, he's such a humble, obedient, and faithful guy, I'm real happy I'm with him.

As for the work, we have 3-4 investigators were working with pretty regularly. James Williams Jr is the most solid. Hes a black brotha born and raised in Georgia. He has a baptismal date for the 27th of this month. Were hoping it will go through but hes living with his girlfriend.... We are teaching the law of chastity to him and hopefully we can get her involved in the discussions. As of right now she doesn't seem interested in the gospel.  There's another lady named Bonida who is a chef, but she has had really bad health issues lately, the reason why she isn't able to come to church and progress. She does say she wants to get baptized though along with her daughter and granddaughter that live with her!

People say the culture is different here in Georgia than in Florida, but i haven't really noticed it. I just came from a very small, country town, so I'm lovin it. There are more black people here which is great, too bad there's only 2 that are active in our ward right now... Everywhere i go it seems to be that way!...

I was hoping that I wouldn't ever have to bike again on my mission, but I got here and we have a car share, week on week off schedule. Sooooo this week we've been peddling A Lot! I'ts getting me in good share for home. I'm just trying to look at the positives haha. My first Sunday here i was asked to fill in for a young man and speak in Sacrament Meeting. They told me 3-5 minutes, but the youth ahead of me went for about 30 seconds and 3 minutes and left Bishop and I 40 minutes.... So I had to follow the spirit and drag it out a lot longer haha. It went good though. 

I seriously have a problem. This morning, out of nowhere, i got hit with a soar throat and congestion again! I went to go to the Doctor today but found that the lobby was filled and they said an hour or more wait, so we immediately left and now I'm putting up with it. Attempting to shop and play basketball haha. 

That's about it for this week! Christmas is coming up and I cant believe it! I love the Christmas spirit, and the easiness to talk about Christ with others. 

Elder Greenlaw

Elder Anderson and Elder Greenlaw

The original church in Waycross, zoom in on the plaque! They have now changed it as you can see. 

Charlie and Barbara Wiggins!

The famous Randy Thomas!

David and Bobby Williams! (Investigators)

The wonderful Cranford family in Lake Butler!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving Ya'll

Hey yall,

This last week has been great! New people are coming out of the woodwork! The youth in this ward are so enthusiastic and eager to share the gospel. We've met a bunch of their friends, we have an epic volleyball night where we had a lot of new faces and we're going to start teaching them here pretty soon. 

We had a great Book of Mormon study class also with an investigator that came and loved it! Sister Gail teaches from the institute manual so we're going into real detail of the events, using maps, power points, modern day prophet insights and scripture! It blew him away as to how great the class was. He would get baptized if his wife was more accepting... She would divorce him if he joined the church.... All in due time.

We've slowed down on the amount of service the past month or so and this last week we've been praying for more opportunities. In return, immediately projects in the community, for non-members, active and less active members have been popping up left and right! There sure is a special spirit about serving your fellow men, a spirit I can't get enough of I love it!! 

The members here are fantastic! We've had two Early Thanksgiving meals already and 4 appointments scheduled for Thursday. We are taking charge of setting up the Turkey Bowl too. 8 am we'll be out on the high school football field ready to tear it up! Haha

That's about it for this week. Elder Andersen and I are having a blast together. Happy Thanksgiving to ya'll and I'll talk to ya next week.

Elder Greenlaw

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Florida and a New Pair of Boots

Hey yall,

It's been a great week and daggum has it flown by. 

Some of the highlights are that my new companion is named Elder Conner Andersen from Draper Utah!! He graduated from Alta a year after me. He then went to SUU for a year and then came out on his mission. He was a track star and has done 3 triathlons. Holy smokes! He's a stud, a little more quiet than my last companion, but that's alright. He hasn't been out too long on his mission. 4 1/2 months to be exact. He still has some "greenie" moments haha. It is all good though.

We've had a blast sitting around campfires all week long now that the weather is cooling down. Today is the first time I've worn long pants on a Pday and this morning when we did our workout at 5 am, I even wore a sweater!!! Crazy!... 

The work is a bit slow right now... But it will pick up soon when we hit hard with the Family Mission plans that we have to do with 35 member families. Hopefully we can get at least 1 a day. 

We've got a few investigators but they are all 70 haha. Never too late I guess! A lady named Lora has a baptismal date on for 6 weeks or so. 

We had a ward social (Fall Festival) with lots of food, candy, trunk or treating, hayrides, campfires all over the place, it was awesome! So many non-members came and it was so big and loud that random people driving by decided to stop by and see what all the ruckus was about. 

Charlie Wiggins, an older fellow whose fixin to pass soon, invited us over to give a blessing and to give the sacrament to him yesterday. Super spiritual!! It's amazing what the Lord teaches you and the things he has you say when you are truly a mouth piece for him. After a good while, he asks his wife to go into his closet and bring out 4 pairs of boots. He had us try them on then gave each of us 2. These things are 400 bucks a pop made out of Ostrich skin. Woo baby!! He also gave us some bolo ties and next time we go over he's giving us a cowboy hat.. This man is amazing... So selfless... He's hoping to make me a true southerner now.  We had a little photo shoot, I'll send some of the pics to y'all as well.

That's about it for this week. Right now, I seem to be learning a lot about myself. The Lord is revealing my weaknesses, which are many believe me, and he's helping me become more Christlike. I've had a lot of trials recently, times where I've really need to look deep within and humble myself to him. This week when I partook of the sacrament I had a great spiritual, rejuvenating experience. I've often reflected upon the talks in this last General Conference, "Are we not all beggars?" Along with "Approaching the Throne of God with Confidence" I highly recommend y'all to make time and go back and study it them if you have not already. I'm so grateful for modern day prophets and apostles who receive revelation for us pertaining to our time here in the last days. May we all come closer to the Lord this next week and feel of His love for us.

Elder Greenlaw

Pulled out the good ol' polish and leather this morning. What a difference! 

Sorry for the blurriness.... Yeeehaaaa!! 

Elder Greenlaw and Elder Conner Andersen

Me and sweet lil Princess Olivia 

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Chandler Gets Baptized


Transfers are this week. We just got the news that Elder Dean is leaving! He's headed to St Johns, the neighboring Ward of Fleming Island ( old area of mine). I'll be pretty sad to see him go, we really enjoyed our time together.

I'll be with Elder Connor Andersen who I know already. He's been serving in Gville 2nd Ward, my first area, and so when I was in the 3rd Ward I went on a few trade offs with him. He's pretty awesome! Track star at Alta High School! Haha Funny how all my comps are so close to home in Utah. He's 18, and has only been out for 7 1/2 months or so now.

It's been a great week! Chandler was dunked! Sister Brandi Waters called me a few nights ago telling me about her relationship with Tiana which is hilarious. Such a small world right! 

We've been focusing on Family Mission Plans with every one here recently. We set up power point projects and everything, totally reminded me of high school..... Yuck.... Hopefully we can start generating some referrals. Our teaching pool is pretty small right now cause they all just got dunked! Haha. Oh well, life is good. I'm staying happy and healthy and I'm excited for some change here pretty soon. 

The weather is PERFECT!!  Best time all year. I'm in heaven! 

We ran a 5k for the Union County Library this week. Without really training, I was able to get 1st at 22 minutes and Elder Dean got second at 23. It was a lot fun! 

The night of Chandlers baptism, his fiancĂ© Tanner's family threw a huge Halloween party. We had a lot of fun, it was hard being a missionary though and having to restrict my crazy self from running the dance floor. We switched name tags and wore out snake skin ties for our costumes. 

Service this week consisted of weeding and preparing a garden, chasing chickens, and helping someone move. This is the life! 

Talk to you soon!
Elder Greenlaw

Elder Greenlaw took 1st place. 

Elder Greenlaw, Chandler, and Elder Dean

Elder Greenlaw, Chandler Mann, Tanner LeMay, Elder Dean

The only reason! 

A Southern Snack

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Kelvin Gets Baptized!

This last week has been a good one for sure. Kelvin Simmons was able to get baptized!! When Elder Dean and I first got put together we made a goal to baptize a homie, and we definitely did. His mother, mother-in-law, and sister all came to the baptism and church. We are hoping to start teaching them. We also went to a little kids birthday party and just starting talking to people. We got three return appointments for this week and are going to teach members of his family haha. We also had some miracles through media referrals. A less active member went to Mormon.org and asked for a visit from us. He had just gotten out of prison and wanted to get his life straight! This Saturday we have another baptism too, Chandler Mann!! Tonight we're having the last discussion about temples, missionary work, family history, the Priesthood, stuff like that and then fine tuning the details for this Saturday. I can't wait!!!

The Lord is preparing the hearts of his children. We've been blessed with opportunities to keep us really busy and bring peace and comfort to many through the message of the gospel. The gospel works miracles within people. I am so blessed to be an instrument in the Lords hands to create the opportunity for him, then sit back and watch him work his miracles.

Until next week, 
Elder Greenlaw

Kelvin Simmon's Baptism -  Davide Cranford, Brother Kelvin Simmon, Elder Greenlaw, and Elder Dean

So excited about this day! 

Starke District - Elder Dean, Elder Hayden Greenlaw,Elder Collin FrancomSister-Baylee KoenigSister-Danielle HartElder Erik SharpSister-Aubrey SnelgroveSister-Laura PerkesElder Daniel Dean,Elder Tyler GreenSister-Kelsey DonohueSister-Meagan WilliamsElder Arick CollettSister-Lauren Atkinson and Sister-Whitney Davidson

Monday, October 13, 2014

Solid Investigators

Hey y'all,

Things are going great here in Lake Butler, Fl. Elder Dean is such a great guy, definitely someone I would chill with back home. Since he lives 10 minutes away in Highland, we've already planned multiple double dates that we're going to have with the girls! It is a little embarrassing that he's  on the BYU ballroom dance team.... 

The work is going well, but slow at times. We've got some really solid people we've been teaching the past 6 weeks or so but the problem is we only see them once a week. It's been a roller coaster ride with Kelvin. He's been one of the most solid investigators I've ever taught. Ever y lesson in a members home, and after the first discussion he tells us he knows it's all true and he wants to get baptized. Once he got his interview and PASSED..... We didn't hear from him for 4 weeks! This last week we finally met with him and set his baptism for this next Sunday, the 19th. Hurrah for Israel!! 

The next weekend, the 25th, Chandler is getting baptized also! Just last week he told us he received his confirmation that the Book of Mormon is the word of God and Joseph Smith is a prophet! Prayers are answered people!!! His biggest concern was the acceptance of his family. He talked to his parents, who have been anti-Mormon for years, and they said they don't necessarily believe or accept his beliefs, but they will support him in anything he chooses to do. We're meeting with him tonight to finish up the commandments and can't wait to see him get baptized and then married to Tanner in December! Hopefully I'm still here for it! 

We've got service projects coming out the wazoo and we're now focusing on family mission plans and home teaching less actives from here on out.

Love y'all! Thank you for your prayers and support.

Love, Elder Greenlaw

Zone Conference with Elder and Sister Golden from the first quorum of the seventy! 

Big Truck! 

Making service fun! Elder Greenlaw With Elder Dean!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

7 Hour Meeting With Elder Golden

Hey yall,
Yesterday we had a 7 hour meeting in Gainesville with half the mission to hear from Elder Golden of the First Quorum of the Seventy. What a spiritual and knowledgeable man.  He talked for 5 hours straight without any notes, and kept things lively the entire time. No one was falling asleep. Amazing!  One of my favorite quotes he said was,"Faith is nothing more than Personal Righteousness. Without the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and its gospel, there wouldn't be a single person on the face of the earth with the sufficient faith in order to walk back into the presence of our Heavenly Father." Ponder and pray about that one for awhile...
My love for the Book of Mormon has increased ten fold as I have been studying it each morning and night. I just can't seem to put it down!
The work has seemed to slow down this past week since school has started. We were unable to meet with a lot of people as frequent as we use to. All our investigators seem to be so busy that they can only meet with us once a week or so which is definitely not enough! 

The Lord is still working his miracles though and preparing the hearts of the people to receive the fullness of His Gospel. I bare witness that God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ live, Their love and patience with us is immeasurable, and they are just waiting for us to more fully welcome them into our lives so they may bless us. The gospel is true and the Book is Blue. May God bless ya'll individually this next week.
Love, Elder Greenlaw

Elder Greenlaw's Pet Turtle

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Serving at the Library

Hey y'all,

Transfers are this week so that is why I'm writing a day later. Don't worry though, Elder Dean and I are still together here in the blessed land of Lake Butler.

The work is really coming along. This last week was amazing! We had some real good lessons with investigators. One being with a household of about 10 people. Talk about stressful! We went with a young man in the ward and had everyone on a different level of spirituality. Luckily the spirit took over and loosened our mouths and gave us the words to speak, but long story short it was a two hour discussion. Basically we taught all the discussions in one and we committed them all to read and pray about the Book of Mormon. This included a man who used to go to church, but claimed to be atheist. We committed him too. He has created a whole list of questions for us next time. The whole family had lost hope in him ever believing in God again for how standoffish he was. But look at him now! He recognized that we were disciples of Christ and he told the rest of his family that they need to shape up and listen to what we have to say and then do things we ask. 

Our investigator Kelvin wasn't able to get baptized this last week or this following week sadly because he's been working in Miami and the interview process for his baptism is taking longer than usual. Oh well, all in due time of the Lord I guess...

We finally bucked up and asked a woman that we've been doing service for lately if she'd take the discussions. She's really good friends with the bishop's wife. She accepted and we then taught her the first discussion, invited to read and pray about the Book of Mormon, AND she accepted baptism for October 25th woo hoo! We ran over to the Bishop's house to tell them all that happened and they couldn't even believe it. They seriously thought we were joking.... :( She has some big obstacles to overcome by then, so we will see how it goes, but at least she's reading and praying and wanting to get her son to get involved with a church.

The miracles go on and on, I can't even name them all. Through fasting, prayers do get answered and the Lord works in mysterious ways some times.

Life is good today.... Take care now y'all. And may God bless ya.

Elder Greenlaw

Serving at the Library

LB3 for Life!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Hitting the 18 Month Mark

Oh my dearest friends and family.

Thank you for the prayers and support that have been passed this way. Y'all are just the best. This week I finished my Sisters mission, 18 months! Can you believe it's been that long. I've found myself reflecting upon the incredible, unforgettable moments of my journey here in Florida. It brings me to tears just thinking about how great
and merciful The Lord has been towards me and helping me get the point I am today.

I'd like to bare my testimony first off of the power and truth of the scriptures. This week I have  yearned to dive into them every chance I get. I have lost my desire to sleep, instead I lay awake reading about the people in the Book of Mormon and how merciful The Lord is towards them. Even when they become so wicked and reject the teachings of the prophets, they ignore the miracles that The Lord had given to their fathers, He still in his infinite goodness and love provides a way for them to return to Him and receive forgiveness of their sins. He does the same for me! No matter what happens his hand is always stretched out still. A greater sense of gratitude, love, and forgiveness has entered into my life because of the scriptures. My desires to be more Christlike and do the will of the Father have increased also.

This week was a difficult one for us. I was down with a sickness for a few days, many appointments got cancelled, and it seemed to have rained everyday. But! Kelvin had his interview for baptism yesterday and so he should be dunked! He's so humble and willing to receive all that The Lord has for him and his family. His Less active wife for many years has now been attending and living the gospel in her life too.

We are still waking up early to workout with the football coach, drinking plenty of protein, and seeing results already! 6 months to sexy here I come!

Have a good one y'all!

Elder Greenlaw - 18 month mark

Bowling on Pday! 

Is this what boys do on their day off? 

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Pictures From the Mission Field

We bought matching ties for the boys to wear on fast Sunday. 

Elder Greenlaw with Elder Lane

The elders admiring this BIG truck!

Elder Greenlaw and Elder Lane are doing lots of service in Lake Butler. Here is a roof they built for someone. You can tell they are proud of their work. 

Monday, August 18, 2014

Adventures with Cupcake War Judging, Teaching, and Serving

Hey y'all!

This week has been a spectacular one! Filled with many exciting moments, adventures, and miracles! 

First off, our Bishop owns a lot of property filled with ponds perfect for fishing. Last P-day we had a good time doing that again, which made it officially the 4th time ever going fishing in my life. And ya, I suck..... But still fun! Today were planning on going it again but with the sisters and a group of 4 or so of our investigators. That will be a blast!

It has literally rained here everyday this week which meant that we had to cancel our service projects a few times, but others we pushed through and just embraced being soaked and muddy. We started teaching one of the non-members that comes with us, his name is Jonathan. He's graduated from high school and expecting to go into the military in a month or so. He's in a rock and hard place right now. He reminds me a lot of myself back in the day, constantly sitting on the fence, leaning each way wondering if I should obey God's will or do what everyone else is doing (getting caught up in the world). He says he feels guilty and hypocritical because he hangs out with us, or in his words, " the church people" and then the same night he goes and parties with his friends. His family all has a history of drinking, and everyone he talks to about the military says that the way they deal with stress and anxiety is by smokin', drinkin', and chewin'. Even the Christian guys fall into it all. Soooo we're helping him build his faith and convince him that that isn't the road to true happiness and that God will support him in all his trials if he is faithful and obedient. The other day when we invited him to hear the discussions, he accepted and said he was really interested, and that because of us he's going back to the Catholic church haha. Not exactly what we were hoping for, but it is a progressing step. He hasn't been to any church in years. But then he did say that he might convert to "Mormonism" later down he road. No doubt in my mind that he will. He's a great guy, real country, and into the big supped up trucks haha. He's been going around asking all his friends what they would think of him becoming a Mormon haha so he'll come around eventually! We even got him to come out and teach with us and he testified of how he came to know how God lived! It was awesome! 

Next is Saulius, a gay Atheist from Lithuania. We've gotten him to commit to read the Book of Mormon everyday and even keep the commandments for 1 week to see if he notices a difference. We were teaching one of his friends, Erica, who has a baptismal date for August 29th and he came and participated in the lesson. We started to teach her the commandments, and committed him right then and there as well! Haha. We haven't gotten him to pray yet... so we will see how it goes. 

We have another investigator named David, who just had his second stroke a few days ago and is in the hospital. He wants to get baptized, but his wife is fully against it. She claims to be a prophetess, and even though she hates the church she attends, she won't even consider leaving or changing her own beliefs. She said she would divorce him if he got baptized, but last week he said he's going to anyway hahaha... Big set back there though... This Saturday were having all the Elders Quorum come to help us build an A frame roof over their two side by side sheds. Hopefully service will help soften her heart..

Tomorrow we're teaching a brother for the first time that has showed up to church and our weekly scripture study class twice! He was in the newspaper for assault the day before we first met him at the church. We will see how that goes tomorrow! Haha. We invited him and his less active wife over to a members home for the first discussion and he seems to be very interested at church and wanting to change his life around.

We set baptismal dates with three other people and at first we didn't think they were very solid. We thought they would flake on our appointments and not read the Book of Mormon, but last night we did a surprise visit and we had a great discussion. I asked her "If you could ask God one question, what would it be?" She broke down with her son and started crying and said she would ask why He would take her 6 year old daughter away from them. This response lead perfectly into the Plan of Salvation. :)

Every Thursday evening we play basketball at the church. This week it was Elder Dean and I along with 10 or so other non- members! We play for awhile and then share a spiritual thought and prayer before we leave. Every week we have new people because they invite all their friends. Saturday nights we get even more people to come and play volleyball! We get members, recent converts and non-members! Perfect way to break the ice and fellowship these people! 

I gave a talk in Sacrament meeting yesterday about how to become a better husband and Father haha. Interesting topic for a missionary don't ya think? It went really well though. Love ya and talk to ya next week!

Cupcake Wars!! We were asked to be the judges for the Relief Society activity! We tasted about 20 different cupcakes haha. The winner for the best tasting cupcake was the maple syrup and bacon cupcake! They also gave us du-rags but we didn't get a picture of those. 

Check out our new weight set!

We fit the entire weight set in our car! We did a little off-roading before hand too, hence the mud :)