Sunday, March 31, 2013

Jacksonville Mission

March 31, 2013

Elder Greenlaw's mission president posted to the Jacksonville Mission Blog. They included pictures of all the new missionaries that arrived last week, including our son. To see all the pictures, click on the Florida Jacksonville Mission President's Blog link on the right hand side of the blog or go to this link:

Here are some highlights from the post.

Welcome to the FJM

If it feels like this transfer came faster than did.  The MTC is now keeping missionaries for a shorter time so all the missions in the world were adjusted to meet the MTC schedule.  Our transfers this time was a week shorter - 5 weeks.  We were thrilled to welcome this fine group of 9 elders and 9 sisters!  Their training at the MTC was shortened from 3 weeks to 12 days!!  It didn't seem to hamper them.  They were just as prepared as any other group we have received.  Thank you, parents, for preparing your missionary to serve.  It's a life-time of teaching and helping them grow into the incredible missionaries they are.  D&C 138:56 teaches us that these "noble and great ones...received their first lessons in the world of spirits and were prepared to come forth in the due time of the Lord to labor in his vineyard for the salvation of the souls of men."  They have been well prepared long before this moment, before this life! 

Arriving at the airport and meeting their new mission president for the first time. 

President Barry is currently serving as the President of the Jacksonville Florida Mission.

March 26, 2013 - New group of missionaries arriving in Jacksonville Florida. 

Elder Greenlaw is assigned to his new trainer, Elder Jenkins. They will be serving in the Gainesville 2nd Ward in Gainesville, Florida

Now is the time!  This group of 18 new missionaries have been trained and taught at the MTC and now in the Florida Jacksonville Mission. They are ready to go out and start to apply all they know in the real world of non-members and investigators, of less active and active members. They are ready and anxious. They will be trained for 12 weeks in the field with hands on experiences. This 12 week training program is inspired and very effective. In this group of new missionaries and trainers there are 36 missionaries who will be studying and executing the principles of the training. Six weeks ago 46 missionaries started on the 12 week training. That is 82 people who are working on the 12 week training!! We have 162 missionaries in the mission. HALF OF THE MISSION IS IN THE TRAINING PROGRAM! The Lord is truly hastening his work!

Monday, March 25, 2013

First Week in Florida

March 25, 2013

Hello everyone!!

I have had the best time here in Florida my first week, there is so much to tell you! The MTC was a great experience but man, Florida is where it's AT! I hear from all of you that its cold and snowy and I just have to laugh because it could not be more perfect here. 72ish degrees every day along with the humidity. I've been stationed here in Gainsville, Florida! My area is huge and out of the 17 new missionaries that showed up, of course I would be the only one that has to ride a bike. We have to plan about 2-2 1/2 hours of traveling each day. The church is 30 minutes away! I'm so used to being able too walk in about 5! Everyone tells me I came at a good time because starting June, its going to get sooooo hot here! 

I prayed and prayed for an amazing companion who is a hard working and strictly obedient and that exactly what I got! His name is Elder Jenkins, who is from Pleasant Grove, UT and is only 19 years old. He ended his training as soon as I got here and now he trains me! We truly bring the best out each other. We work well together, and we are always laughing. He's planning on playing football for Utah State when he gets home and believes that there is a girl waiting to get married for him! ha ha Good luck Bro.. 


Days feel like weeks, and weeks feel like days. We witness small miracles each and every day here. My second day in, we are sitting down planning for the next week and we get an urgent phone call from a lovely, but a crazy member named Shelly saying that we need to meet her somewhere, PRONTO and give her a blessing. We immediately hop on our bikes and go to Kmart to meet her. She shows up twenty minutes late for some reason, and at first we were kind of upset. While we were waiting for her, a man (we think is hopeless) named Pete, comes up to us on a bike and starts talking to us. He wanted to know what we were doing there. He also had questions about the gospel! So of course, being amazing missionaries, we had a lesson with him about the importance of prayer. The funny thing is that he is now our new investigator that we are going to see again soon! Because Shelly showed up late, we had the opportunity of meeting this man and bringing him one step closer to God. :) Things like this happen every single day. So what did we get out of this? Be patient and understand that EVERYTHING happens for a reason. We are on the Lords time and not ours, so when we think times are boring and slow, there is reasoning behind it. We end up meeting a specific person that is humble and ready to listen!

Anyway, I love y'all  and I can't wait to hear from you next week! 

Elder Greenlaw

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Elder Greenlaw Arrives In Florida

March 19, 2013

Elder Greenlaw flew to Jacksonville Florida today. We received a letter from his Mission President who said he arrived safely with 17 other missionaries. Here is a picture of Elder Greenlaw with Pres Barry and his wife. He looks happy and excited to be in his new home.

Hayden's mission has a blog. Later this week, Sister Barry said they would post a group picture of all the new missionaries there. Here is the link:

I have also linked to the Florida Jacksonville Mission Blog on the right had side of Elder Greenlaw's blog. You can go there anytime to get updates on what is going on in the Jacksonville Florida Mission.

Monday, March 18, 2013

I Love the MTC!

March 18, 2013

Hello everyone!

I absolutely LOVE the MTC! I honestly have the best district ever. There are 5 elders and 6 sisters.  It is a little crazy that we have more sisters here now.

I got put into a 3 way companionship, which is very hard to do. I know I am with these elders for a reason. Elder Williams is my companion from Orem. He is a gun fanatic. He is funny, smart and knows a lot about politics. My second companion, Elder Ciavardini (She-zer-dini), is from Calgary Alberta. He is the senior comp. and actually has a few weeks of missionary work under his belt. He was sent here late because he was waiting for his visa. He is a scriptorian and knows a lot of doctrine. He is very quiet but when he opens his mouth, you get a little Canadian accent and words of wisdom. He is a genius. I learn so much from both of them.

The second day in, Elder Williams and I were made zone leaders. This was a very humbling experience. It's hard sometimes because we are in a 3 way companionship, and we have to go on splits. We also have to hit our leadership meetings. Today is Tuesday, and we are expecting to receive a sister from Sweden and 20 something new missionaries tomorrow. We are in charge of them. I am very excited about that. It feels like time is slow and long during the day, but I am amazed how this past week has flown by. It's weird to think we are practically veterans here already.

Finally after a week, I get to write to all of you on my P-day. Some have probably thought that I just don't care or have time to write to you, but THAT IS NOT THE CASE!! Thank you all so much for writing and sending some wonderful packages. They are like gold here. It always brings me joy when I get back to my classroom, and there are a few new letters each day. I thank you for your thoughts and prayers.

My departure date is March 19! I have to be on the first flight at 6 am. This means waking up at around 3 am or so. I am sooo not looking forward to that. Time is so short here, and I am loving every minute of it! I can't wait to get to Florida though! I'm already losing my tan from my family trip. I guess that's Utah for you.

The teachers here are all absolutely amazing. Each and every fundamental lesson is packed with information and good habits. The spirit seems to wrap it all up nicely and then put a bow on it! My testimony has grown tremendously and so have my teaching skills. There is still a lot to work on. It is amazing to see how necessary the Holy Spirit is in conversion and how it guides you so you can teach your investigators and meet their specific needs.

I am sorry for being all over the place in this letter, but I had a funny experience that only missionaries would fully understand. The third day in, I was getting my lunch in the cafeteria, and as I started to head over to the tables, I turned back to look for my companions and they weren't there. I'm pretty sure my heart skipped a beat as I started to freak out! I looked all over the place for them, and I remember feeling more alone than ever before. When I eventually found them, they were completely oblivious and didn't think anything of the situation. Let's just say I've really drawn close to my companions.

Anyway, there is just too much to write about as we receive inspiration and miracles each and every day. One example, Elder Perry in my district had a severely twisted ankle playing volleyball this week. It had swollen to the size of an apple on his foot. I had the opportunity to be a part of an amazing blessing for him. Right as we were about to start, our Branch President walks into our room to check things out. Be aware that other elders were playing football and having foot races right outside in the hall. That just shows you how amazing my district is. I say that in the most humble way possible. haha The President stood in on the blessing, and he was later walking on his foot normally within a day and a half. Only one of many miracles that happen here!

I love the MTC, and I love all of you! Thank you so much for caring for me and being a part of my life. Next time I write to you, I will be in Florida!

With Love,
Elder Greenlaw

*Elder Greenlaw told me to tell everyone that he ran out of time to write everyone, so please be patient with him. As he said in an earlier email to his mother, patience is a virtue. :)

MTC Mission Teacher

March 18, 2013

This letter was written to me on March 11th from a teacher in the MTC. I just got it today. I understand now why Elder Greenlaw has been too busy to write.

Hi Sister Greenlaw:

I have the honor of being one of Elder Greenlaw's teachers.   He has recently been chosen to be a Zone Leader... and I can understand why... He is exceptional.  We are working on literacy comprehension together, and he is a total "A" student !!!   He is already a great leader, and our goal is to make him even better.  I was born in Jacksonville, Florida and have numerous family members there who all Baptists (like I use to be)...

I just wanted to share a picture of your son and let you know that he is one for whom you may justifiably be proud... Thank you for sharing him with us.

Lots of love... Brother Till

Sunday, March 17, 2013


March 15, 2013

I love you so very much. Patience is a virtue. I'm very sorry for not getting to you sooner. Yesterday was my first P-day, and that's the only time I get to write emails. I didn't have my address book with me when I was emailing so there are still some that I couldn't write back to yet.
I woke up a half an hour early just for you my love! :) (He is talking to his mother here) I know your going crazy because you haven't heard from me in awhile, but I did write you a good size letter that is on its way right now! Thank you so much for your letters each day and also for the package. I'm doing very well here at the MTC. Last night I gave the new missionaries a tour around the campus, (which I did just last week), and everyone thought I was 20 or 21! 

I have learned sooooo much here. It really springboards you to your mission. It so sad and scary to think that I'm leaving next Tuesday. My flight leaves at 6, that means I have to be at the travel agency at 4, and that means I have to wake up at about 3 AM! Not looking forward to it... That's really kind of early, and I'm not sure if you want to get up that early just to chat for two seconds but when I get to the airport at who knows what time, I'll call you on your cell phone. Sound good? Just keep it on loud on your bedside table Monday night and I hope I get to hear your voice. 
I love you so much. They give you your P-day late at the MTC so your not so focused on home and you're focused more on the spirit and your studies. So I'm sorry to tell you, I haven't really thought about everyone that much, EXCEPT for when I snuggle up with Elder Zeke every night. It's been for the best. I'm really focused on being a good leader to the younger, not younger, because I'm still the youngest one here, but the newest ones. I appreciate all of the family letters... You made me cry when I read it in class ha ha. 
Apologize to all that haven't received a letter back from me yet. Please be patient and I hope you enjoy the pictures!!

Yours truly,
Elder Greenlaw

March 11, 2013

Hayden is currently serving in a three way companionship. His first companion is Elder Ciavardini from Alberta Canada. He is the elder on the left. He was a professional snow boarder before serving a mission. He will be serving in the Salt Lake City mission after his training. His other companion is Elder Williams from Orem Utah. He lives 5 minutes away from the MTC. He is the elder on the right. He will be going to the Florida - Jacksonville mission with Elder Greenlaw.

Elder Ciavardini and Elder Williams

Elder Greenlaw with his 2 companions at the MTC. 

Sunday, March 10, 2013


March 10, 2013

I have been waiting for an email from Hayden, and hadn't received one yet. On the way home from church today, I remembered that I hadn't checked the mail box from the day before. To my surprise, there was a letter from my missionary. Yay!

Dear Mom and Dad,

I just want to let you know how much I love you. Thank you for all you've done for me. Now, I'm living on my own, but at the same time I'm not. The MTC has a bubble. It's a spiritual bubble, and you constantly feel the love of our Heavenly Father. I was sad to leave you guys on the curb, and I felt a little overwhelmed by not knowing what's going to happen for the next two weeks here. Once I walked through the doors and immediately started getting hello's, many in different languages, I wasn't worried about a thing. The peace and happiness this place brings is incredible.

My district is awesome! There are 5 elders and 5 sisters. All of us are going to Florida except one. He's staying right here in Salt Lake. After my "Host" ditched me in my classroom with only my teacher and I, we immediately hit it off pretty well. He said that I'm a very personable and caring person and that I seem a lot more mature than 18.

I have a three way companionship right now. Elder Ciavardini, who I said is staying in Salt Lake. He is in our district. He shared the reason why he's here and you can tell he has a very strong testimony. Apparently he was a professional snow boarder from Alberta which is really cool. Elder Williams is my other comp. He is always talking, and we've connected a bit with each other. He's from the land far far away called Orem. Literally 5 minutes away from this place. I like him a lot.

The rest of our district is awesome. Elder Layton the older missionary who we saw with his family by the temple, immediately took the grandfather position of the group. He is 5 or so years older than all of us. About an hour after we saw him by the temple, I was sitting right next to him in the classroom. We have a lot in common, and  we really like each other. I already have an immediate bond with all these guys. We all are very different and vary by age, but we all have the same purpose and have a lot of respect for one another.

There is so much more to say, but I must run off to breakfast. Love you lots and I am continually praying for you and the family.


Elder Greenlaw

Elder Greenlaw and Elder Layton at the Provo LDS Temple before intering the MTC.

Elder Greenlaw Going to the MTC

March 6, 2013

I don't think you are ever prepared enough for the day your son goes to the MTC. As mothers, we talk about this day with our children, from the time they are small. When the time finally comes, and you have planned, prepared, and scheduled every last detail, there are no words to describe what it feels like to say goodbye to your child for two years.

I have literally felt every emotion within the last 24 hours. I was happy, sad, nervous, excited, anxious, supportive, calm, and for lack of better words, a total wreck. With that said, I know Hayden is in the right place. He was ready to serve our Heavenly Father, and I have no doubt that this experience, will change him forever. I am so proud of the man he has become and his desire to leave his life, and spend the next few years serving others. I know he is going to have many wonderful experiences, and I can't wait to share his updates with our family and friends. Here are a few pictures from our day.

Provo LDS Temple

Trevor, Hayden, Jessica, and Andrew Greenlaw

Hayden with his parents

Greenlaw family

Hayden at the Provo Temple.

Hugs at the MTC

Walking into the MTC

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Elder Greenlaw's Mission Farewell

On Sunday, February 24, 2013 Elder Greenlaw had his missionary farewell. We had a small get together with family and friends afterwards. We felt so much love from everyone that came and supported our son, Hayden. Thank you for being a part of this special day.

Greenlaw Family

Elder Greenlaw's Parents

Elder Greenlaw with the Krueger Family  

Elder Greenlaw with the Farnworth Family

Elder Greenlaw with the Shepherd Family

 Elder Greenlaw with his Grandparents the Shepherds

Friday, March 1, 2013

Called to Serve in the Florida Jacksonville Mission

January 18, 2013 -  Hayden Opens His Mission Call

Hayden received his mission call to serve in the Florida Jacksonville Mission. He reports to the MTC on March 6, 2013. We are so excited for him and know that he will be a great missionary and a great example to those he will serve.

Greenlaw Family After the Call