Hello Everyone!
This week went from very good, to very bad. Our most solid investigator, Charlie, was planning on getting baptized this Saturday, but he decided to go to a huge party at a castle in Tampa last weekend (basically a rave) and slipped up with the Word of Wisdom. He still made it to church on Sunday, but right after the meeting he told us that he doesn't want to get baptized anymore. This was very hard to hear. He has come such a long way since we met him. He bore a powerful testimony on fast and testimony meeting, he committed on living the law of chastity and word of wisdom, but then he got involved with his friends and now he doesn't want to make that covenant with God anymore. This has been a huge patience and faith tester for me this week. I have been submitting my will to Gods and understanding that it wasn't meant to be. He still needs some time. I cant walk away from this experience with my head down and tell myself I'm a failure. We have planted a SOLID seed in him and I know that the gospel has changed his life. One day, probably after he moves out and gets away from his friends he has now, he will be harvested by some other missionaries.
Sadly I have seen this in my own life, being dragged down by my friend group. I truly believe you are or will become just as those that you hang around with. Hopefully this week we can be obedient and work hard so the Lord can place an elect person into our path. I have a strong testimony of my Savior Jesus Christ. From this missionary experience, and I have come to have such a close relationship with him and my Father in Heaven. It breaks my heart when I see people use their free agency and turn away from him and his teachings, because I know how much it can bless their lives. Love you all!
Elder Greenlaw
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