Hello everyone!
What an adventurous week here in Gainesville. As y'all know we are on bikes now and oh my goodness does it suck. I've gotten use to the constant sweat all over me I think. People keep saying September is when is starts to cool down, but I haven't really seen that yet. ha ha We have had so many bike problems this week its unreal. First Elder Andersen's bike tire went flat on our way back home from the church. Which ended up being a 3 mile walk back home. It didn't help that our phone was dead so we had no way to contact anybody either. Then we get a member to take us to a bike shop to get a new tube. We later find out that to fill it up it requires a specific European made nossle. So we had to go to a different bike shop to get that. THEN, as we were riding I looked back to see where Elder Andersen was, which always seems to a ways back, and then the metal shaft holding my seat snapped in half and I tumbled to the ground. Only minor injury but that was not fun riding a bike for a day without a seat.... Feel the Burn!
My first ever District Meeting went very well surprisingly. Getting up and talking to people seems to come more natural to me now that I've been out here for 6 1/2 months. Elders say this is only the beginning of Leadership callings...
Charlie is very solid. He should be getting dunked here pretty soon. He has such a remarkable testimony and he has now come to know if the Book of Mormon is true. Of course there are other concerns he has, Word of Wisdom, Law of Chastity and such, but now that he has read the Book of Mormon, prayed to know if its true along with Joseph Smith being a prophet and received an answer, everything else is a piece of cake. We are planning on September 28th with him.
We had a miracle with a man named Craig. As we were riding bikes on the sidewalk we stopped and talked to him. We taught him a lesson right there on the side of the road and got a return appointment with him. We visited him and his whole family of six at their home and they all seem to be incredible nice and interested. We actually went to his North Central Baptist church Sunday morning hoping that he would come to ours afterwards.... but he had some last minute things come up. So lets just say he owes us a little favor sooner or later.
Being a District Leader over 14 people has really stretched me and given me great opportunity to love and serve others. I tend to focus on what my wants and needs are and so it has been really good for me to strive and overcome that.
Things within the ward are getting better. I have never had such a good relationship with our Bishop as I do now. He has asked us to go and visit every member and help them with their family mission plans. We do this and tend to find service and receive dinner for it so its going wonderful. The southern food they cook for us here is SOOO good, even on bikes I haven't lost weight yet..
God lives and knows each and everyone of us. How wonderful it is to know that we have a loving Father and friend who wants to hear about our day and wants to help us so that we can eventually become as he is, glorified and perfected. He has created a plan to do so only through our loving Savior Jesus Christ. We find lasting happiness as we strive to be like him and live his Gospel. The Book of Mormon testifies of Him and allows us to find answers to our daily struggles. Prayer is the resevoir for power. I can testify that God truly answers our prayers and speaks to us through scriptures and words of the modern day prophets. I love my mission and opportunity i have to share this wonderful message to other who are searching for truth but do not know where to find it.
Elder Greenlaw
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