Monday, September 9, 2013

The Call to be a District Leader

Hello everyone!
This past week has been very stressful. With the recent call of being the District Leader, the stress of helping missionaries and making sure things are going well. It was also transfers last week and we both thought that because of certain events that happened in the ward, we were going to be transferred. We had to stay up late to receive a call from President telling us if we were going or not. Ends up I'm still here for another six weeks with a lot of extra struggles within the ward and the relationships with all missionaries. We had to drive 2 hours to Jacksonville to drop off our car, and then hitch hike back home. Very sketchy in redneck country. Luckily some missionaries were able to later pick us up and take us back ha ha.
The famous Charlie Blankenship is progressing very well towards baptism on the 28th of September. Through him we are reactivating his best friend who happens to be a less active member. Our recent converts are all really struggling right now. None of them have been coming to church and they aren't keeping the Word of Wisdom. Our ward mission leader wanted us to get rid of the Book of Mormon class we hold every Wednesday night at the church, but instead we have changed it to the B.O.M.M.! The Book of Mormon Marathon! We have created a plan to get the recent converts and members who are struggling to read to get through the whole book in less than a year! Its very exciting and I believe it will help many of the problems these people are facing in their lives. That is how POWERFUL the Book of Mormon is! As we are praying and reading it individually and as a family, we will have the Spirit more abundantly in our lives. There will be more love and happiness within the home and less fighting, contention, and stress of everyday life. We can find answers to our prayers and learn so much from it! I can see such a big difference in my day if I sincerely ponder the scriptures. Everything seems to go so much more smooth.
I know that God lives, and he knows us individually. He knows each of our struggles and our weaknesses. He doesn't just sit back and watch us have a hard time, He weeps with us and micromanages our lives without interfering with our free agency. I see his hand in this missionary work, and I see miracles each and everyday. We learn and grow from these trials and we gain experience and great joy when we overcome them! God will never give us something we can not handle. I know that to be true.
Thank you for your prayers and encouragement! Talk to y'all next week.
Love, Elder Greenlaw

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