Hello everyone!
I've been here in the Gainesville 2nd Ward for about 7 months now. Call me an old timer! I have come to the point where I've been working with the same people, in the same neighborhoods, knocking the same doors. I have truly loved my first area and I will always have a sweet spot for Gainesville, but I really need to get out of here already ha ha. This last week was very difficult. 100% Finding. You can't do missionary work, until you have people to teach and we are searching high and low for some solid investigators. We are really focusing on building the foundation of Member Missionary Work in this area because there is none. We received 1 referral in the last 3 months. He ended up living in the 3rd ward area, so we handed him off to them.
Its wonderful being the District Leader because we have the opportunity of going on a few trade-offs throughout the week to get to know other missionaries and work in different areas. I love it!
One miracle that has happened over a span of 2 weeks, is with a man named Brother Mott.( I call him applesauce) One day Elder Andersen and I were having serious bike problems which forced us to postpone our plans for that day and go to Sports Authority to buy some parts. As we were doing so a man walks up to us and says... "Hello Elders! I'm a Mormon!" We were like, umm okay what can we do for ya ha ha. He says he's been in the marines and now been here in Gainesville for a few weeks looking for a job and also for the church! He had no idea where it was and he really wanted to make it there on Sunday. He has been less active for months but recently him and his wife, who seems to hate Christianity from past experiences, have been coming back to church! All because we had terrible bike problems one day. The Lord truly micromanages our lives without taking away our free agency. He places certain people into our paths that are in need of help and we get to sit back and watch miracles like these happen!
Oh how I love missionary work. This is only 1 of hundreds of experiences I could share. This is truly the Lord's work and I could not be doing anything better with my life at this moment. Joseph Smith is a true prophet who was called of God to restore original truths that had been lost. We are now very blessed to have the fullness of his gospel in our lives today which is led by a living prophet. We have the amazing opportunity to listen to his voice this next weekend in General Conference. I swear its like Christmas for us out here on missions. Let us all go into it with a sincere heart and real intent having faith that we can receive answers to our prays. Talk to y'all next week!
Elder Greenlaw