Monday, April 7, 2014

First Week In Gaineville, Florida

Hey y'all, 

So this past week has seemed like an eternity. So much has happened, I don't even know where to begin! 

First of all, I'm loving it here in Gainesville again. I guess I'm a true Gator now! I'll most likely be serving half my mission here. I'm serving in the 3rd, and oh how different the work is here. Elder Tuft has never had such a hard time in an area. The people here are very friendly and willing to talk but seem to lack the real desire to change anything. On one side of the street we have the ghetto, boot-leg and all. For those that don't know what that is, it's where people sell all kinds of goodies out of their home, from snacks to drugs and alcohol. Don't ask me how I know that haha. Anyways, on the other side of the street you have the rich neighborhoods, million dollar homes on a plantation. You can definitely say we have diversity in this area. People say that this area is impossible to baptize in, since it's been well over a year. Part of this is the ward. It's hard at times to have trust in the members and our investigators fitting in and enjoying the congregation. About half of the ward have been residents for two years and then they are gone. It's also a very young ward. It's hard to concentrate in the meetings with the millions of crying, screaming, kids. Here in Gainesville there are so many different churches all around. Two major ones right beside our church building. Many people aren't looking for true doctrine, only looking for a Pastor that keeps them entertained, or wherever the rest of their family goes. They say that they only want to go to a church that preaches straight for the Bible, nothing else, but yet when we teach them repentance and the standards of living that Christ has set out for us, they aren't willing to change their lives. We know that the only way we will be able to bring in new converts is with the help of the ward members. Meaning getting them out with us in teaching appointments and loving these people just as Christ would. It's the only way. Brothers and Sisters of the church, the unity of members and missionaries is the only way that the work of the Lord will progress like God needs it to! Are you willing to help?

Most of our time has been contacting and knocking doors. I've tried so many contact approaches but Elder Tuft has opened my eyes on the success of asking inspired and provoking questions. Recently we've tried the approach of saying, "Imagine if you had the chance to sit down and talk with Christ, what would you ask him?" Also, "If you were to take one thing to heaven, what would it be?" And the classic, "What do you feel is the purpose of this life?" It's amazing to hear the responses people give, and right off the bat we can recognize their interest level and what they care about most in this life. Which makes it a little easier to open up a discussion. So we've been sifting through investigators left and right, finding the elect and the people with true sincere desires to serve God. 

I bare witness that I know that God lives. He knows us individually and He loves us so much that he has created a way for us to return to him again, along with finding peace and happiness in this life and the life to come. Christ is our Savior and Redeemer. He is central to this plan and his Atonement is real. I am living proof that the Gospel of Jesus Christ allows us to change. "If you are in a place where you shouldn't be, then get out!," - President Thomas S. Monson. 

Have a great week and I'll talk to y'all later!

Love Elder Greenlaw

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