Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Being Transferred to Gainesville... Again!

Hey y'all,

It's been a few weeks since I've done an update, I'm sorry. There's a lot going on right now. I hope I can get it all in today. It is transfer week. I've been in Fleming Island for 6 months now so I was pretty much expecting to leave. The biggest surprise is that they are white washing his place, meaning bringing in 2 new missionaries. I'm pretty bummed because we've got a lot going for us right now. 

Last week we had the opportunity of talking to Daphne's daughter Kailey. Daphne is the postal worker we've been trying to get to church more than once for the past six months. We haven't completely given up on her but Kailey is an elect daughter of God. Immediately she recognized us as disciples of Jesus Christ and wanted to learn about the gospel. When I was on a trade off Tuesday night with Bro Delgado, their neighbor two doors down, was interested in chatting with us. I gave her an Ensign, one of many of the church's monthly magazine. She soaked it right up by reading the entire thing in a few hours. We then stopped by and gave her a Book of Mormon. We haven't even had e chance to teach her anything but when she attended a baptism of the Sisters in our ward and then church, she asked us to be baptized. We committed her for 2 weeks from now. Since both Elder Huxford and I are leaving, the other missionaries will teach her and either one of us will come back and physically baptize her. Since Huxford hasn't had one yet, I volunteered him to get in white. Haha. We are hoping through this experience her mother Daphne and brother Landan will come around and accept baptism also.

Saturday was a glorious day, Tiffany and Johnny Brown got married. They held the ceremony at the church and we got to meet a lot of their family. As we were sitting down talking during the reception, Tony, Tiffany's brother accepted a visit by us to talk with him more about the church. It was a great opportunity to share the gospel, when they were sitting right there in the church!

Back to transfers, I'm going BACK to Gainesville! Serving in the 3rd ward this time with Elder Tuft who got released as the AP 6 months ago or so. I served in the 2nd ward 7 1/2 months, and during that time I went on so many trade offs in that ward it's ridiculous! When my first two sons, Elders Tubbs and Welsh went home early during their training I had the chance to work both of these wards in a trio for 3 weeks. So I already know this Bishop, ward mission leader, and a bunch of members. I feel like I've already served here! I had a tough time
sleeping last night because my mind has been weighing on so many faces and people I know in that area already. Hopefully we will get the chance to meet them again.

Well it's sad to leave Fleming Island. I have gained so many friends and become part of some great families.( I've pretty much been adopted) at the same time I'm glad to get a fresh start with an area I know pretty well and a new companion. I'll fixin to send my new address to y'all soon.

Take care, and remember The Lord in all things.

Elder Greenlaw

Elder Greenlaw helping someone move!

Elder Huxford and Elder Greenlaw literally glowing! 

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