Transfers went great! My companion Elder Robert Anderson is a stud! He's from Riverton, another close one! He's been out for just over a year now, he's such a humble, obedient, and faithful guy, I'm real happy I'm with him.
As for the work, we have 3-4 investigators were working with pretty regularly. James Williams Jr is the most solid. Hes a black brotha born and raised in Georgia. He has a baptismal date for the 27th of this month. Were hoping it will go through but hes living with his girlfriend.... We are teaching the law of chastity to him and hopefully we can get her involved in the discussions. As of right now she doesn't seem interested in the gospel. There's another lady named Bonida who is a chef, but she has had really bad health issues lately, the reason why she isn't able to come to church and progress. She does say she wants to get baptized though along with her daughter and granddaughter that live with her!
People say the culture is different here in Georgia than in Florida, but i haven't really noticed it. I just came from a very small, country town, so I'm lovin it. There are more black people here which is great, too bad there's only 2 that are active in our ward right now... Everywhere i go it seems to be that way!...
I was hoping that I wouldn't ever have to bike again on my mission, but I got here and we have a car share, week on week off schedule. Sooooo this week we've been peddling A Lot! I'ts getting me in good share for home. I'm just trying to look at the positives haha. My first Sunday here i was asked to fill in for a young man and speak in Sacrament Meeting. They told me 3-5 minutes, but the youth ahead of me went for about 30 seconds and 3 minutes and left Bishop and I 40 minutes.... So I had to follow the spirit and drag it out a lot longer haha. It went good though.
I seriously have a problem. This morning, out of nowhere, i got hit with a soar throat and congestion again! I went to go to the Doctor today but found that the lobby was filled and they said an hour or more wait, so we immediately left and now I'm putting up with it. Attempting to shop and play basketball haha.
That's about it for this week! Christmas is coming up and I cant believe it! I love the Christmas spirit, and the easiness to talk about Christ with others.
Elder Greenlaw
Elder Anderson and Elder Greenlaw
The original church in Waycross, zoom in on the plaque! They have now changed it as you can see.
Charlie and Barbara Wiggins!
The famous Randy Thomas!
David and Bobby Williams! (Investigators)
The wonderful Cranford family in Lake Butler!
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