Monday, September 8, 2014

Hitting the 18 Month Mark

Oh my dearest friends and family.

Thank you for the prayers and support that have been passed this way. Y'all are just the best. This week I finished my Sisters mission, 18 months! Can you believe it's been that long. I've found myself reflecting upon the incredible, unforgettable moments of my journey here in Florida. It brings me to tears just thinking about how great
and merciful The Lord has been towards me and helping me get the point I am today.

I'd like to bare my testimony first off of the power and truth of the scriptures. This week I have  yearned to dive into them every chance I get. I have lost my desire to sleep, instead I lay awake reading about the people in the Book of Mormon and how merciful The Lord is towards them. Even when they become so wicked and reject the teachings of the prophets, they ignore the miracles that The Lord had given to their fathers, He still in his infinite goodness and love provides a way for them to return to Him and receive forgiveness of their sins. He does the same for me! No matter what happens his hand is always stretched out still. A greater sense of gratitude, love, and forgiveness has entered into my life because of the scriptures. My desires to be more Christlike and do the will of the Father have increased also.

This week was a difficult one for us. I was down with a sickness for a few days, many appointments got cancelled, and it seemed to have rained everyday. But! Kelvin had his interview for baptism yesterday and so he should be dunked! He's so humble and willing to receive all that The Lord has for him and his family. His Less active wife for many years has now been attending and living the gospel in her life too.

We are still waking up early to workout with the football coach, drinking plenty of protein, and seeing results already! 6 months to sexy here I come!

Have a good one y'all!

Elder Greenlaw - 18 month mark

Bowling on Pday! 

Is this what boys do on their day off? 

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