Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Gainesville Florida Raceway

We just went to the best place ever today!!!! Gainesville, Florida Raceway! We befriended the property owner and track groomer. He showed us pictures of Ryan dungeon, Ricky Carmichael and Bubba when he was a kid racing at that exact track. Living a dream, being on a pro motocross track, same as the big leagues. Great thing is, I know that I can ride the entire thing! Nothing too difficult, obviously my time would be a lot slower though. I took 75 pics. We're planning on going back next week to go fishing at the quarry.

They have a motocross track, super cross track and a 9 1/2 mile long track that goes through the woods and around the three quarries. 

This boy is dreaming of his dirt bike today. 

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