Monday, June 9, 2014

It is HOT in Florida!

Hello Friends and Family,

This week has been excruciatingly hot! We were on bikes all week long and no kidding, within a mile of riding we would be soaked. As we knocked on doors, we looked crazy with sweat covering us. It runs down our face, we are spitting as we talk haha. Everyone gives us a weird look and then asks us if we need towels and water bottles. People are typically very nice around here. A few days this week, including last night as we were tracking, and we would get poured on by rain. It got all of our books, cards, and IPADs soaked... Gotta love it though! :)

I'm really enjoying my time with Elder Tuft. He absolutely loved his mission! He has moments where I'll catch him with tears running down his face. He only has 2 weeks left. We have been told that we will go to the Orlando Temple together on the 24th of this month! I'm so excited! It will be the first time attending in 15 months or so. 

I have learned so much from serving with Elder Tuft. First, losing myself in the work while still having loads of fun! Obedience, hard work, and discipline brings the most peace and joy. Allowing the Lord to change our nature is key. It's easy to change our behaviors, when we get put around more disciplined missionaries, but when we stop fighting against what the Lord wants from us and submitting to his will. Trusting in Him that he will qualify us for whatever's at stake and we will feel the most happy and accomplished. Lastly, communication is key. I've never had such deep, spiritual, and empowering talks with a companion. We have truly grown close to each other in just these last three months. 

As for the work this week, it's been the same old thang... Our main focus is still knocking doors in Hail Plantation (the more wealthy neighborhoods), along with getting the members and their friends to the Scripture Study Class. The people in Hail are much more educated, so they already know who we are and what were trying to do. For the most part they are very respectful and politely decline. Only a few potentials have come from the area so far, but Elder Lane and Baldwin team tract with us every night and they have found a solid investigator. She's been interested in our beliefs for awhile now and her family is very close with members of our ward. By the members example and invitation, she came to church this Sunday and is now reading from the Book of Mormon. Hear that Members? Your example, if you realize it or not, is influencing those around you. Many are interested in what makes you the person you are,(the Gospel of Jesus Christ), and are just waiting for you to make the invitation to them. Imagine how much easier it would have been for that lady to find the gospel if her friend had just brought it up in a casual conversation and simply invited her to come to church. Instead we had to ride our bikes in the blazing heat and rain for weeks just to knock on her door. haha

Just some food for thought :)

Also our mission is attempting to go world-wide in getting the word out about the Book of Mormon through social media. We have teamed up with, and, (all 20 Facebook Missions), and many Mormon Celebrities. Please join the group on Facebook called #Discoverthebook and sometime this week post a picture of you holding the Book of Mormon and share a short description of how you came to find it and how it has influenced you in your life.

Thanks y'all! Have a blessed week!

Love, E.G.

Pictures of Elder Greenlaw's Apartment (love the weights in the living room)

Contents in Elder Greenlaw's fridge! Getting Swollin'

Tracking the streets of Florida

Preparing to share the good word!

Elder Lane playing with the ducks

Elder Greenlaw's ward building

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