Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Getting Transferred to Fleming Island

Hello everyone!
The day has finally come. Tomorrow I will be getting transferred to........ wait for it...... FLEMING ISLAND!! I hear this is one of the best areas in the mission! I hear my new companion is very chill and likes to work hard so I'm very excited for that. Hi name is elder J Johnson. It is such a bittersweet feeling leaving this place. I have loved serving here. I have made such great friends and taught the gospel to so many great people. White, Black, Indian, Chinese, you name it! ha ha. At the same time I need to go to a new area, have a new companion and meet new people. I struggle with some people here in this ward and the work that goes on so I'm very excited.
This past week we have been visiting a lot of members and saying goodbye to them. This has been a struggle. I've been filled with such gratitude lately and tears come to my eyes every time I think of these people because I love them so much. Gainesville has felt like my home and I've been a part of a great big family. You never fully realize what you have until it's gone. I will truly miss this place. Thank goodness for Facebook though. I will be able to keep in touch with them that way and continue to encourage them to do missionary work from a far.
Last night was the hardest. My favorite family, the Whites and the Valentines, threw a going away party. We had Filet Mignon, with Brother Whites famous mash potatoes. MMMM Sooo good! No wonder I can never lose weight in the South! As we were being dropped off at our apartment complex, their youngest boy, Henry White, started to cry when I told him I have to leave and that I will greatly miss him. That was very difficult to see. I told them that I will be back here in Gainesville to see them again after the mission. We have already planned a trip to go hunting, fishing, and boating on the Swanny River and having more fun with them. Brother Mott, I believe I told you the story of him a few weeks ago, offered to let me stay at his house when I come and visit ha ha. So I pretty much have everything planned out already. 
Next Monday I will give y'all my new address in Fleming Island. Until next time, farewell from Gainesville, Florida!

Elder Greenlaw

Doing Service together. Elder Greenlaw and Elder Anderson

Saying Goodbye to the White family

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