Hello Family and Friends!
WOW! This week has been amazing! Steven was baptized!!! I can't tell you enough how happy I am for him. He has come such a long way in the gospel. Right after he was baptized, he bore an amazing testimony about the Savior and living the way that God wants him to. There was such a great support from the ward there, along with some investigators and all of the missionaries in my District. I will send the fabulous pictures out today! On Sunday during sacrament meeting, Elder Jenkins confirmed him with the Holy Ghost which was a very neat experience. He was so nervous, he was shaking beyond belief during the whole thing! ha ha I'm kind of bummed that Steven didn't ask me to baptize him or anything, but oh well. I'm so glad that Elder Jenkins and I had a baptism together, we were getting pretty nervous that we wouldn't. We have grown as good friends, and it's sad to know that I only have a week left with him.
Some more big news..I got this week was a phone call from my Mission President saying IM GOING TO BE A TRAINER!!! I'm ecstatic, but also terrified. Elder Jenkins said that without a doubt, training a missionary right after your trained yourself is the hardest thing you will ever do on your mission. This has truly been a humbling experience because I didn't think I would ever train right away. I know that President Barry is an inspired man, and this calling is truly from God. I will not be able to do this by myself... These next three months will be very difficult, but I know I will learn a lot from it.
This next week we really need to focus on finding new investigators. We have dropped many people because they weren't keeping their commitments and there are still so many neighborhoods in my area that I haven't even been to yet. I'm hoping and praying that we will be able to find the elect this week because we can't really do missionary work if we don't have people to teach.
Right now is a weird time where our ward mission leader just moved, along with our ward missionaries. We have a total of two ward missionaries where other wards have about 9. Brother Chen moved in from Draper 2 months ago, and we were convinced that he would be the one to get the call, but he didn't. We are on hold as far as that goes.
I just want to thank all of those that have been supporting me. Those who have forgiven me when I had wronged them and also for those that never gave up on me. I have been blessed with such great family and friends. Til next week! God Be With You Til We Meet Again!
Elder Greenlaw
Congratulations on the baptism Elder Greenlaw! I'm excited for you and your assignment to train a new missionary. You are an awesome missionary and will do a great job! Take care of yourself and have a fun time.