Monday, April 15, 2013

Beast Feast

March 15, 2013

Hello everyone!

A lot of people are wondering what I eat down here in the south, and well, I sure had the full experience this week!

We got permission to leave our area and go to the BEAST FEAST. This is where all of the rednecks come together and deep fry every animal they can find. OOOOOHHHH MMMYYY GOOOODNNEEESSS... of course I had to try one of each right!? There were so many different meats I had to write them all down. I ate quail, duck, rabbit, squirrel, frog legs, wild turkey, chicken, BBQ pork, BBQ beef, venison, gator, pheasant, raccoon, armadillo, wild hog (the picture that I have of a man smoking something on the grill has an interesting story. Story behind that one is the man was turkey hunting that morning and came across a hog. He said, "Well I guess I'll cook that one up to! You can't get any more fresh than that!"  Last but not least crawfish! The best tasting ones were crawfish, gator tail, frog legs, and the ribs. The only one  that was truly disgusting was the armadillo. It is a very fatty, stringy meat... Ugh gross. I ate it anyway though!! About an hour after we had gorged ourselves will this road kill, I mean food, we had a dinner appointment with the man that we dedicated his wife's grave last week. Can you guess where he took us? Yes..... a BBQ restaurant. Elder Jenkins and I were DYING! We had to force ourselves to eat another pound of ribs and another pound of sausage. We made the mistake of having him order for us because we thought that he would order very little like last time because he's a brittle old man but NOOOO. He told the waitress that we didn't need a to go box because we were going to finish everything! He just sat there and watched us eat! We were both on the verge of throwing it up. It was terrible.

I actually got sick two days later! not sure if it was from the food, or from giving a really sick lady a blessing.... 

We got a car!! This is a huge blessing! Good thing the Zone leaders love us and worked there magic because the hot season is coming very soon. As much as I would love to ride a bike in the dead of summer here in Florida, a car will definitely be amazing. Its a 2010 Ford Fusion. Very nice right!? 

The Gainesville area, is one of hardest areas in the mission, so I hear. I love everything about it! The people are great, the neighborhoods are somewhat decent, and we have a lot of great restaurants. Knock offs of Cafe Rio, but hey I'm not complaining! The people are super friendly, but as soon as we bring up religion they say they aren't interested because they are a part of a church just down the road. The main street in Gainesville has about 100 churches on it. ha ha. So we are trying the best we can! Our entire mission did a fast this last Sunday for our investigators, and we have already seen many miracles wrought from it. Anyway, Love you all and I'll talk to you next week.


Elder Greenlaw

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